They has nominated mes for the Versatile Blogger Award!!
Mes so furry excited.
Here are the, “Rules”;
- show the award on your blog
See Above!
- thank the person who has nominated you
Kali! Shoko! Yous is the bestest!!! THANKS YOUS!!!
- share 7 facts about yourself
#1 - Mes blind in my right eye.
Mes went blind from an ocular infection as the result of having feline herpes. Mes gotted it from my Mommy when mes was born. 5 years ago, mes had a flareup and the lesions in my eye did not respond to antibiotics. It does not bother mes.
#2 - Mes pukes almost every morning!
Mommy says mes could not shows yous a picture of my puke. So mes is showing yous me instead...
Mes pukes almost every morning, about 1 hour before Mommy's alarm goes off. Mes always pukes right beside the bed - Mommy gotted smart and puts a towel there. Mes not sick, its hairballs.
#3 - Mes does NOT like to share my litter box.
But with 3 cats and 600 sq feet, there is not room for 3 boxes. Sometime Kozmo or the brat Jo Jo uses mine and mes gets furry upset!!! Mes merrows at them from the bed.
#4 - Mes LOVES my heating pad.
Mes gets furry upset when Mommy forgets to puts it on in the morning. Mes gives her heck when she gets home from work.
#5 - Mes does not drink enough water.
Mommy puts warm water in my food and when mes needed more Mommy remembered mes used to LOVES our water fall in Midway, so she gotted mes a new one. Mes LOVES it! Mes drinks lots and lots and mes drinks lots and lots!
#6 - Mes eats.
Mommy says mes has the appetite of a horse. The bowl on the left WAS a whole can of Fancy Feast. The bowl on the right was Purina indoor cat crunchies. (and mes poops lots too!) Mes has my own feeding station in the bedroom on the bedside table. Jo Jo and Kozmo eats on the counter by the kitchen sink and Cinnamon eats where my foods was before they came to visits.
#7 - Mes gets miffed LOTS and LOTS.
This is my miffed look with airplane ears. If mes sees Jo Jo, If my heating pad is not on when mes wants it, if someone uses my litter box, if Mommy does not clean it right away, if Mommy won't let mes sit on her, if mes does not like my food...
- nominate 15 blogs of your choice
Mes can't picks just 15 of yous! Mes LOVES yous all! So mes giving it to all yous my dear furrends!!!!
Thanks so furry much Kali and Shoko! Yous knows mes loves to talks about mes!