Monday, 30 January 2017

Totally Terrific Tuesday!

Spitty and Katie Isabella came to visit me. They is the bestet furrends ever!

They is my Gift #24!


Sunday, 29 January 2017

Tour On Monday and Gift #23

 Well furrends, mes has been bugging Mommy about showing yous what my new castle looks like and Mommy's excuse for the last 2 weeks has been that the camera is broke...but today, mes remembered that the tablet takes pretty good pictures! 

 Lets start at the top.
Furrst, here is my bedroom! Mes told Mommy mes was getting really tired of always being on a BLUE background. Mes asked her if she could gets us something more sophisticated.
Does not my bedroom look more befitting the Queen that mes is?

Mes thinks the heart pillow sets off my marvelous looks!!

So what happened to my old bed stuff?
Its in the guest bedroom! 
Mes told Mommy if she really missed it too much, shes could goes sleeps there!
Next is one of my favorite spots.
Mes gots SUNPUDDLES (everywhere but this is my FAVORITE)
At the bottom of the stairs is the dining room.
Wes actually had lots and lots of company since wes moved. Most Sundays wes has a big supper with lots of peoples over. Mes LOVES company.
This is our kitchen. Yes it is a little small when there are 3 peoples in there cooking, but mes still enjoys getting under feets. See that pot on the stove, its got turkey soup cooking in it. Mes loves turkey soup.
next is the living room.

Yous can't see it, but behind where Mommy is standing is her desk
And behind our chair and the sofa is the cat tree...which is acting as a plant stand right now.

Mes does not climb it anymore and mes can see better from Mommy's chair. 
Oh! Oh! Oh! Mes must tells yous that wes gotted a present from Ms Bev (Dinnermintz Mommy) down under!!!! 

Look at these lovely cards!!! 
Mommy saw the purrfect collage frame the other day and she says she is going to goes back to the store and buys it and then frames the flowers.

Now here is Gift #23!!
 And YOUS knows mes means

Selfie Sunday

Folks, mes demanded that mes pawticipate in Selfie Sunday, after wes missed Athena's Caturday Art--AGAIN!
AND wes still gots no camera.
Mes is getting miffed.
Mommy says maybe next weekend... 
Mes will believes that when mes sees the camera!
Can yous sees the airplane ears?
(Mes miffed at Mommy, not yous)
You can click on the button to see all the other pawticipants in the Selfie Sunday Blog hop at The  Cat On My Head!

and here is Gift #22

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Thankful for Haggis Won Tons! & Gift #21


 Mes wonders if this guy can blow the chanter on the bag pipes

Here in Vancouver, wes has a most unusual Chinese New Year tradition.
Gung Haggis Fat Choy – It is a unique celebration that merges Scotland’s Robbie Burns Day with Chinese New Year
Started in 1998 by Vancouverite Todd Wong, the fusion event combines traditions from two very different cultures into something that’s, well, odd.
Hummm...Purrhaps it is the purrfect holiday for US!!! 
Mes oriental...and Mommy has some Scottish blood.. ..

They is celebrating it at Mommy's Job tomorrow and 
Mes is thankful Mommy is going to brings home some Haggis WonTons!!!
Any way, Mommy says no camera until NEXT weekend...Mes say Pooey!

Here is My Gift #21

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Speedy Comes to Visit! and Glift #19

Oh! Oh! Oh! Mes Furry EXCITED!!!

Mes gotted a call from my bestest bunny buddy - SPEEDY and hes on his way to visit!!!
His Mommy and my Mommy had been talking and thought having Speedy comes for a visit would bes just what mes needs!
 Speedy uses closet transportation technology so mes waited by Mommy's bedroom closet and just before lunch time, mes heard the sound of the vortex and a thump!

There was Speedy with one of Mommy's shirts on his head....
"Well, Hullo Nellie darling! I think I may have miscalculated the height of the landing!", said Speedy as mes helped to gets the shirt off his head.
"Me so furry happy to sees yous!" mes said, "And yous arrived just in time for lunch! "
"Oh Goody! Tunnel travel always makes me hungry, lets eat and you can tell me about all the things you have been doing since New Year's Eve when we went to the Edinburgh  Hogmanay Ball!", said Speedy.

Mommy put out Speedy's favorite rabbit food and my favorite salmon and she even put out some cat grass for us to shares! Oh yes, she even gave us a romantic (battery powered) candle! 
Wes ate and caught up and laughed...Speedy even taught me some rabbit jokes! 
"Waiter, there is a hare in my soup!" 
"What are four hundred rabbits hopping backwards? A receding Hare line." 
and my purrsonal favorite,
"What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny"

After lunch mes tooked Speedy for a ride in my car to the beach at the other end of the island that Richmond is on.  
First wes drived through Steveston it used to bes a fishing town.

They films a whole bunch of movies and TV shows there. It is really a cool place.
Then wes got to Gary Point Park and went for a walk.

Speedy told mes it was not much different than English beaches except wes gots mountains in the background.  
Then wes headed home for a little NetFlix Movie watching.
Wes watched the Secret Life of Pets! I
t's about a couple of dogs who gets losted outside and chased by ferocious alley cats and saved by a bunny named Snowball who makes them join his gang!
Wes LOVED it so much wes did not eats our snacks!

When the movie was over wes went to bed

Wes had the bestest sleep ever! The next morning Speedy had to goes home. 
Mes was a little sad to sees him leave but boy mes had the bestest time ever with Speedy!

"Thanks yous so furry much for coming to sees mes Speedy!"

Click here to go to Speedy's blog!

Now for today's gift!!!


Saturday, 21 January 2017

Selfie Sunday Workout Wear and Gift #18

Mommy's camera has gived up the ghost. And as she breaked her iPhone before wes moved, so wes using her crappy android phone until she gets a new one (cell phone AND camera).

Alas, this means my selfies is really blurry. But mes thought yous like to see them anyway.

Mommy buyed mes a t-shirt. It says ANGEL on the back.  
Mes likes it because it keeps mes warm!

Mes has NEVER EVER liked having shirts on before! 
AND Mommy buyed mes a new scratcher! 
Mes had to makes the rolly ball roll!
Mes did it for about 5 minutes! 

Mommy was impressed. 
Mes told her mes feeling much better now!

And here mes is in my heated bed! 
Your purrayers is helping! Mes has been more energetic in the last 3 days than mes has in the 5 months!

Today, Mes is pawticipating in The Cat on my Head's Selfie Sunday!
Please clicks their button to see all the other pawticipants.

Now here is my Gift for today!

Friday, 20 January 2017

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Thankful Thursday - Gift #16

Sigh...Once again, Mommy has a cold. She is barking like a dog and croaking like a frog...
Mes Thankful she is so furry hot! 
Mes can lays on her instead of my heating pad! Mommy is MUCH softer!
Here is my Gift for today!

Mes is following my bliss with my gifts! 
What is your bliss?

Mes pawticipating in Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog hop

Monday, 16 January 2017

While Mommy was watching Football ...Gift #14

Sunday, Mommy and her furrends was watching the Packers and the Cowboys. 
Purrsonally, mes finds football a little boring. 
Mes gotted Mommy's phone and texted my bestest old furrend Cody (of Cat Chat With Caren and Cody)...
Before mes could say TOUCHDOWN!!! Cody arrived!

Cody is my Gift #14
Thanks Caren and Cody! 
Yous made my day! 

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Mes was having the strangest dream...Gift #13

Mes could not stay awake to takes my selfie...

Mes was DREAMING....

Mes Pawticipating in the Cat On My Head's Selfie Sunday.
Click their button to see my furrends selfies!!!