Thursday 25 February 2016

Things to makes yous think?

Kitties…has this ever happened to yous?

You’re going about your business when you sense it.That creepy feeling you’re being watched. You slowly turn your head, searching for the source. And then you find it—your persons eyes, peering at you.
  • Why is your human staring at you?
  • Is they plotting world domination?
  • Is they worried about you?
  • Is they hungry?
  • Do you have something between your teeth?!
Staring is a behavior that puzzles and sometimes worries many pets. However, there is probably a good reasons why your human is staring at you.
#1 They is showing affection—check and see if they is making that face they calls a smile.
#2 They is looking for clues—has yous done some thing like:
  • Pooped outside the litter box,
  • Climbed the curtains
  • Or maybe yakked in their shoe?
    Maybe they is trying to figure out why you did that (Purrsonally, mes gotted into Mommy’s chicken. Me ate all the skin…that made me poop before me gotted into the box, so me had to climb the curtains to get the poop off my claws, and then mes felt a tad queasy, so me yackked in her shoes….)
#3 They needs something—my human ALWAYS needs mes to be petted by her. If me is not in her lap, me just knows she can’t wait for mes to get back in it. Maybe THAT is why she is staring…
#4 You’re eating something—my human is furry concerned about what mes eats and when mes eats it. Like last week, me decided mes did not like my favorite food, her chicken was better. When me eated it…there was the poop incident…maybe she is watching to sees if mes will taste the new foods….or if mes should ignore it maybe mes will get more chicken….

What does yous think when your human states at yous?


  1. Sheesh, we always thought it was us who did the staring, MOL!

    As in, you had better play with me now, or where is my noms, and things like that.

    1. Mes watches Mommy and she watches me! Me thinks your humans watch yous too!

  2. I expect its all of the above me dearest Nellie,You love wonderful today!xx Speedy

    1. Thanks Yous!
      Does yous watch your Mommy too Speedy?
      Mes would watch yous!

  3. I think you have a pretty good poop and yak routine, Nellie Bellie! As for the human staring! It's a bit unnerving I have to say. So I just stare back and stare, and stare. In the end she caves in and goes and hides in the closet! ;)

    Smoochies, baby xoxoxoxox

    1. Austin,
      Mes tooked your advice....after she came out of the closet, she gived mes some chicken!!!
      Yous is so smart!
      Special Kisses

  4. Your human can't help staring at you because you are so beautiful. When my human stares at me I look at her through the tiniest bit of eye so she doesn't know I am awake. She is staring waiting for me to wake up because it is time for my pill, and I don't want it!

    1. I do the slitty eye thing too! |Drives Mommy crazy. But yous knows, even if yous don't likes them, the pills makes yous better (says the cat who can spit out a whole pill 5 minutes after Mommy thinks mes has swallowed it)
      Special Kisses

  5. Genji totally agrees with #1, Nellie!

    Chicken skin is probably a no-no eh?

    We are LOVING your blog!

    The Chans

    1. When the chicken fat sticks to the chicken skin, it makes mes loose as a goose!
      And most often with my Mommy its #1 too!
      Kisses to alls of yous!

  6. OMC you got chick-hen AND chick-hen skin? That's amazing and, yes, probably made you have to poop out of the box! When our Mom stares it usually means she's getting ready to get the flashy box.

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Oh! Oh! Oh! The Flashy Box!!! What a excellent answer!!!
      Yous guys is just so furry smart! And chicken is ok, but even though the chicken skin is super tasty, its the fat that makes me loose.

  7. I think the staring is everything that you already have mentioned, Nellie, but it is also because the peeps love us so very much. I overheard coincidence... when she stared at me :D Pawkisses :) <3

    1. That is a most wonderful answer that mes neglected! Yous is so furry right. My Mommy is always telling mes how much she loves me.

  8. I wonder how my peeps can take their eyes offa me cos I'm so stunning. I just don't like it when that flashy box stares at me. Perhaps you have some hints.

    1. Gosh CK! Yous is totally stunning! And mes has purrfected the art of closing my eyes just as Mommy clicks the button. And mes hides sometimes. But that's all mes can tell yous!
      Kisses grrl furrend

  9. We are watched because at any moment we might do something spectacularly funny or cute. The best clue is to check out peep's hands. Is there a camera? Is there a brush? Can of cat foods? Ut oh, nail clippers - run!
    Mickey Mouser and Rufus the Red @ Shelter Cats

    1. Mes HATES the clippers! What a good ide to looks at their hands!!!

  10. Nellie, we are over the moon that you are back blogging, with your mom and feeling better! Merlin sends his special old wizard kisses.

    1. Mes sending old lady cat kisses to Merlin!!! Mes was not doing too well when mes comed to lives with Mommy, but being a only cat has been good for me. Mes as lively as any almost 18 year old cat can be!
      Loves yous ALL!!
      And Special Kisses
      YOUR Nellie Bellie

  11. So glad you are blogging again! Me thinks more humans should do the slow blinky eye so we not confused when they looks at us...

    1. What a great answer! Yous guys is just so furry smart. Mes shall has to add that too my list!

  12. I stare at my kitties to admire their beauty. I am sure your Mom does that too because you are stunning. XO

    1. Ye. Me is totally the most gorgeous cat on the planet. Mes purrfectly purportioned and Mommy says mes has a swelled head. But mes thinks my head is purrfect too!
      Kisses to all of yous
      Nellie Bellie

  13. Nellie, we think our humans stare at us on account they are simpletons and don't know what else to do with their time! ;p
    We are glad you are loving being the sole Queen of your castle!

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Oh, maybe yous right. With mes to looks at, why would Mommy wants to looks at anything else!!!
      to all of Yous!
      Nellie Bellie

  14. Hopkins.... Strange creatures! Gotta luff them anyways.

    1. No Doubt! Mes just wishes they was better behaved!

  15. We think your Mommy stares at you because you are so beautiful, Nellie! We suspect it's why our Mommy and Daddy stare at us all the time. :)

    Hugs and headbonks,

    Gracie and Zoe

  16. I think sometimes my Mom is staring at me just to see if I'm behaving the way SHE thinks I should be...she worries about me a whole lot. I guess it's because I'm old now and a bit more "feeble" than I used to be. I don't mind her staring - I just stare right back!!!! We kind of "communicate" that way too which I like.

    Love and Hugs, Sammy

  17. Nellie we know your Momma stares at you because she wants to soak up every bit of you she can! That is what our Momma does :) She loves us all so much she wants to make sure we all are doing ok and are happy she says. We just think she is a little silly, but are glad we have her all to ourselves!

  18. Nellie, we are the ones doing the staring. Lily Olivia can really creep the humans out staring at them. Giulietta and Mau are really good at it too. Sometimes Mom tries to stare us down, and she usually wins. We can understand your mom staring at you after the chicken skin/poop/curtain/yak/shoe incident. We are sure you've been forgiven by now. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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