Friday 30 September 2016

Artsy Caturday with Koz

THe Koz Man is pretty handsome!
Wes pawticipating in Athena's Artsy Caturday
Click the button to see all the other pawticipants!!!

Nellie, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Jo Jo

Wednesday 28 September 2016

The PiP Presidential Debate

Folks! We have exclusive coverage of the debate!!!
You can watch it right here, right now!!!

Now that YOU've watched the debate
YOU have the opportunity to VOTE for who YOU think is the winner!!!!

Who won the debate?

Please Specify:
Sage Quotes

Don't forget to visit the rest of the blogs involved in getting Joe and Smoke in office!!!


Marg's Animals

The Tabbies of Trout Town

 And our Speech Writer-Phoebe

And the blogs that contributed Questions!!!
Toby's Wrecking Crew
Stunning Keisha
Brian's Home
Meezer's Mews and  Freckles Woofs!
The POLL will close Saturday Morning 
(when mes wakes up!!!)
Now mes going to has a nap!!!


Tuesday 27 September 2016

Wordless Wednsday - Its Almost Debate Day!

The Candidates

And the glamor shot of the Campaign Manager


Its Tuesday! Are You Getting Ready!!!

Want badges, buttons and gifs and stuff? 
Click HERE
Mes getting ready!!!!

Sunday 25 September 2016

Saturday 24 September 2016

Selfie Sunday

Its been a chilly and dreary day here on the wet coast. I was glad it was Saturday and I can work at home. The next deadline is looming and I will be happy when things slow down after our next software delivery (October 10th). 
Its tough trying to give all the animals all the attention they want (and need) when work is so all consuming. Working at home means I get a cat on the chair beside me, another by my keyboard, one on my lap and a dog at my feet. 
Posting will be sporadic until Mid October too! We may not get a chance to comment on our friends blogs either. We read them on the tablet (in bed) and its tough to type on those on screen keyboards! That said-- we will be having Campaign Thursday! (Look for the debate this coming Thursday, Kong is moderating, and Phoebe from 15 and Meowing has been writing some of Joe's speeches!!!).
We are participating in The Cat on My Head's Selfie Sunday!!! Please click their icon to see all the other participants!
Now on to the selfies!!!

Cinnamon LOVES it when it rains! She loves to be toweled when we come back from our walks.

 When we cam back from our before supper walk, we surprised Kozmo and Nellie...
they look a little miffed that we saw them cuddling....

 Kozmo posed for his selfie, he wanted to look regal....

Nellie could have cared less...she just wanted to go back to sleep

 Jo Jo wanted her selfie in the livingroom. She has figured out she gets treats when she poses!

Have a wonderful day we all send kisses!!!!

Nellie, Kosmo, Cinnamon and Jo Jo (and Mommy)

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Week Before the Debate - Preparations

First off...wes has Zoolarty Debate Badges so yous can show your PIP Pride and let everybody knows about the Great Debate!!!

This week mes been busy, but having Kozmo here has been a HUGE help!
Hes finded the Clinton's dogs and interviewed them for poop for the debate!!!

This is Talley and below is Maisie!

 Kozmo finded out that their favorite vacation spot is the Beach! Here they is with their Pawrents!!!

They is going to votes for the Donks!!! 
(at least that is what they said to Kozmo) and they really wants to meets Smoke and Joe!!! 
Kozmo tried to finds out if the Rump had any pets...he could not find any dogs or cats...but he DID find the Squirrel that stands in for Rump's Hair!!!

Like most squirrels...he did not say much that made sense....
Meanwhile, mes visited with Hillary's Campaign Manager, Robby Mook...
He made me a balloon King Kong!!! Mes was impressed!!!

mes tried to gets in to see Kelly-Ann Conway, who is Donald's Campaign Manager, 
but she was too busy, mes did get this though...

All in all, mes gotted lots of good information for Joe to use in his debate!!!
Wes using sleep hypnosis so hes can remembers it all!!!

Mes SURE that wes going to wins now!!!

Now yous should visits Margs Animals (where the Donks Lives!!!) Please clicks on Press Secretary Mew Mew to gets there!!!

Chief Artist and Pet Pawrent to Dougie Dog (Homeland Security) and Zoey Campaign Clown and currently boarding King Kong  is Ann at Zoolatry! Please click the button below to see their post for today!!!

Then finally, yous can visits The Tabbies who keeps us going!!!

Sunday 18 September 2016


Avast Maties!!

Its one of the bestest Days of the Year!
Mes and my crew is off to sails the seas on the Good Ship LollyPop!

Sees yous in Tortuga!!!
Kisses Nellie, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Jo Jo

Saturday 17 September 2016

THe Whole Clowder (and Pack)


Its not been since before Christmas since wes had pictures of all of us in the same place at the same time!!!
First up...its my NOISY hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon!!!

 She was a little stressed when she gotted here and with all the big city noises, she wants to bark at night!!! 
To make sure she does not bark and disturb our neighbors in our apartment building, she has been sleeping with us on the bed. Her woofing (and a few barks) has meant wes not had a decent sleep all week. 
Mes getting a little cranky! (If mes does NOT gets my 23 hours...mes reverts back to being the Cat From Hell!)
Next up the BRAT Jo Jo! 

She looks like an angel...but she's NOT! 
She tries to whaps me! Mommy lets mes have the bedroom all to myself all day when shes at work.

Next is Kozmo! He is such a sweetie pie! 

He LOVES to lays on the bed with mes. He even sneaked in on Friday and stayed with mes ALL day! 
Hes sure loves to plays with all the toys wes has here. 
Its Glorious MEs!!!!

 Now, The Cat on My Head has the most glorious hop on Sundays for Selfies.
If yous clicks on the button below, you can sees all the other pawticipants in Selfie Sunday!

Friday 16 September 2016

Artsy Dogger Day!!!

Mes thought -- should mes gets Mommy to helps mes read and ppst on my furrends blogs tonight before she goes to her meeting, or should mes helps her with art... mes LOVES doing ar so mes picked art,
First,,,wes had a really terrible picture of my hairy slobber sister Cinnamon (that grrl never stops moving!)
Its a great shot of her smile, but its totally blurry... so wes putted it in Photoshop

Then wes used Sharpen!
Wes cutted out the background 
Then wes added some fall leaves as a background
Then wes used Dry Brush and set the Size Detail, Texture and clicked OK!


Is it not Beauteous! 

Now wes is pawticipating in Ahtena's Artsy Caturday!
Click the button to goes to Athena's blog and see all the other great animal works of art!!!