Wednesday 30 November 2016

My Heart is Broken!

Mes is so furry sad. 
Mes sends Easy's Mommy and Daddy strength to bear their loss, all mes and Mommy's love and many many many kisses

Sunday 27 November 2016

Last Selfie Sunday (in November)

Hi Guys!
Nellie did NOT get us to do our selfies, I waited and waited and finally I figured I would do it.
This might be Cinnamon's, Jo Jo's and My last one for this trip. Daddy is saying he might come and pick us up this week. Hes finally home and I guess while we were away, the mice came in to play!!!
First up the QUEEN!!!
Kozmo, you are a pest! Go AWAY!!!
She is on the bed on her heating pad. For the last week and a half she has been up and about...yesterday she PLAYED with me!!!!
Next - the irascible Jo Jo!
Kozmo, GO AWAY and let me SLEEP!
Except right now she is snoozing...she has 2 speeds...
Asleep and terrorize!!!!
Throw the ball!!! Throw the ball!!! Throw the ball!!! Throw the ball!!! Throw the ball!!!
And sister Cinnamon! She is waiting for Mommy to take her for a play before the rain starts (again).
And last but not least, MY selfie is a glamour shot for the lady cats!
Am I not more handsome than Spitty, or Austin, or Mario?
We are pawticipating in the Cat On My Head's Selfie Sunday Hop!
Click their Button to see all the other pawticipants!!!

Kisses to all of you 
Oh Yeah! Today is Gray Cup Day here (like the US Super Bowl) and I shall be watching my Calgary Stampeders decimate the Ottawa Red Blacks!!!!
What are YOU doing today?

Friday 25 November 2016

Artsy Caturday with glorious me!!

Mommy got a furry nice picture of mes sleeping.

First wes cropped it, and wes put it in Photoshop and we did this...and then wes did that...and then wes went to Dreamscope and dis more of this and more of that and then back into photoshop and then mes said 

Mes likes it!
Mes is pawticipating in Athena's Caturday Art Hop!
Clicks her icon to goes and sees all the other wonderful art!

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Wordless Wednsday

Crunch! Munch! Chomp!

Slurp! Slobber! Drool!

Thanks Phoebe's Mommy! This is a GREAT Toy!

Crunch! Crunch! Crunchies!!!!

Mommy must bes tired...wes gotted treats to stop us from bugging her!!!

Sunday 20 November 2016

The Versatile Blogger Award - for ME!!!

My Furrends Kali and Shoko over at the Canadian Cats gived mes a call this week and asked mes out for tea in Catnip Land.

They has nominated mes for the Versatile Blogger Award!!

Mes so furry excited. 

Here are the, “Rules”;
  • show the award on your blog
See Above!
  • thank the person who has nominated you
Kali! Shoko! Yous is the bestest!!! THANKS YOUS!!!
  • share 7 facts about yourself

#1 - Mes blind in my right eye.  
Mes went blind from an ocular infection as the result of having feline herpes. Mes gotted it from my Mommy when mes was born.  5 years ago, mes had a flareup and the lesions in my eye did not respond to antibiotics. It does not bother mes.

#2 - Mes pukes almost every morning!
Mommy says mes could not shows yous a picture of my puke. So mes is showing yous me instead...
Mes pukes almost every morning, about 1 hour before Mommy's alarm goes off. Mes always pukes right beside the bed - Mommy gotted smart and puts a towel there. Mes not sick, its hairballs.

#3 - Mes does NOT like to share my litter box. 
But with 3 cats and 600 sq feet, there is not room for 3 boxes. Sometime Kozmo or the brat Jo Jo uses mine and mes gets furry upset!!! Mes merrows at them from the bed.

#4 - Mes LOVES my heating pad. 
Mes gets furry upset when Mommy forgets to puts it on in the morning. Mes gives her heck when she gets home from work.

#5 - Mes does not drink enough water. 
Mommy puts warm water in my food and when mes needed more Mommy remembered mes used to LOVES our water fall in Midway, so she gotted mes a new one. Mes LOVES it! Mes drinks lots and lots and mes drinks lots and lots!

#6 - Mes eats. 
Mommy says mes has the appetite of a horse. The bowl on the left WAS a whole can of Fancy Feast. The bowl on the right was Purina indoor cat crunchies.  (and mes poops lots too!) Mes has my own feeding station in the bedroom on the bedside table. Jo Jo and Kozmo eats on the counter by the kitchen sink and Cinnamon eats where my foods was before they came to visits.

#7 - Mes gets miffed LOTS and LOTS. 
This is my miffed look with airplane ears. If mes sees Jo Jo, If my heating pad is not on when mes wants it, if someone uses my litter box, if Mommy does not clean it right away, if Mommy won't let mes sit on her, if mes does not like my food...

  • nominate 15 blogs of your choice
Mes can't picks just 15 of yous! Mes LOVES yous all! So mes giving it to all yous my dear furrends!!!!  

Thanks so furry much Kali and Shoko! Yous knows mes loves to talks about mes!

Easy on Sunday Pawtraits

This week, 
Wes pawticipating in the Cat On My Head's Selfie Sunday! 
 Click their Badge to sees all the other great selfies!

Now on with OUR Show!!

Mes and Kozmo has been sleeping together lots. Mes finds it furry comforting. 

Cinnamon is crashed out on her bed after a walk

Jo Jo has taken over my old bed! 

And there is some changes in December
Mes thinks Cinnamon, Jo Jo and Kozmo will be going back to Midway in 2 to 3 weeks and Mes and Mommy will be moving too! 
We will be moving from our apartment to a townhouse. 
When Cinnamon, Jo Jo and Kozmo comes to visit, wes will has more room and it will be easier for Cinnamon to gets outside when she needs to go. 
Mes is not going to likes the stairs though...these old bones gets pretty sore

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Tabby Thursday!

Jo jo is thankful for the new toy wes gotted!

Mes is not so thankful...Mommy's camera skills makes mes dizzy!!!

Sunday 13 November 2016

Man Cat Monday - Where are the girls?

Mommy, its rainy, its grey, its cold and its strangely quiet...

...where are the girls?
First I'll check the bedroom....

Cinnie and Nellie are sacked out! They look comfy...
I wonder where the Jo is?

She's not on the cat tree...and she's not in any od the cubbys in the bookcase...
The cover that is supposed to keep the hair off the sofa is in a big pile....

Yep! There she is -- and she looks totally comfy...
Well I think I'll have a nap in MY favorite place.... you mind taking that flashy box someplace else!!!

Sunday 6 November 2016

Monday Mewsings

Hi Guys!
Mes been unable to post the last few days.
My human cousin Justin is getting married next spring and there was a big family gathering at my auntie Laurie's house to celebrate the engagement! 

Justin & Kayle
My human brother, Alex, flyed in from Calgary for the party and is staying with Mommy and mes. 
Mes is ecstatic!!! 
Yous knows how much mes LOVES Alex.
Kozmo, Jo Jo and Cinnamon has never met Alex.
Cinnamon LOVES him!

Throw the ball!!! Throw the ball!!! Throw The Ball NOW!!!!

Especially when he throws her ball!!!
Kozmo and Jo Jo has been hiding UTB (Under The Bed) since he arrived!
 Jo Jo has even been sleeping in my bedroom and using my litter box!!!

Make that man go away!!!

Mommy has not seen her and neither has Alex...
This picture is from a week ago.
We know she is there...She jumps up and whaps me!!!!

Who are you! What are you doing in my Mommy's house? Should I like you like Nellie does?

Kozmo came out into the living room and laid on Alex's bed today...
He GLARED at Alex the whole time!!! 
Mes has been furry happy! 
Mes has sat on Alex. mes has kissed him and he has kissed me! 
Mes LOVES him so very much!!!

Me has been having the bestest sleeps and even Jo Jo has not been bothering mes even though she has been bothering mes!

Oh! Alex gotted a new suit when he went shopping with Mommy yesterday!
Mes thinks he looks really dashing!!!

He was the hit of the party last night!
Now hes staying for a few more days. Mes will not bes posting until next weekend!

Many Kisses