Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Oops! Gift #37

Somehow, Gift #37 made it to my Gifts page AND to our Facebook page, but it gotted left off the post  it was supposed to bes on!

Mes will share it with yous now.

 Mes really likes this one!

PS. Mommy is happy that mes eating. Mes ONLY wants my Fancy Feast Tuscany though. Mes is sleeping lots but mes is enjoying getting up a million times during the night to drink water and pee in my box. Mes NOT cleaning my claws on my scratcher so the litter is coming back to bed. Mes does NOT likes litter on the sheets. It makes them lumpy so mes is waking Mommy up to brush the litter off the sheets. Once she is awake, mes insists that she pets mes until mes goes back to sleep.
Mes has found Mommy is a tad cranky though and she falls asleep before mes does when she should be petting. This means mes has to wakes her up to finish the petting.
Did yous knows that Mommys can growl and hiss?
Kisses Nellie


  1. Nellie, we hope you are feeling better. Poor Mom! it is not often that they get cranky and growl and hiss at the kitties!

  2. I love your gifts, sweet Nellie! Every one is a gem!! I think you are sorely trying your momma, but I know she loves you and anyway you are NELLIE, THE CAT FROM HELL! So you have a reputation to maintain!! MOL Smoochies to you, babe! ❤❤❤

  3. Nellie, your human may be a bit grumpy... but at least she is getting her job done! ;-)

  4. You just do what you can pretty Nellie, Mom will sweep out the litter, even if she does growl a bit. Love ya Nellie!

  5. Nellie, irrespective of litter, you are the best, and your mom would have you and the bed sheets no other way, of that I'm sure. Purrs, Erin. PS have you tried a light weight litter in case it will float away?
    Hugs and purrs and nose rubs. Erin XO

  6. Purple is definitely your color. And we know how cranky moms can get. Oh, how we know.

  7. Sheesh. Humans falling asleep before their jobs are done! It's so hard to find good help these days! We're glad you're doing well, Nellie ... and this quote is another awesome one!

  8. Sweet Nellie, we're glad you are eating. We know your Mom loves having you sleep by her (in spite of the litter!)

    The Florida Furkids

  9. nellie....we canna bee leeve we iz gonna say thiz...long az ya eat SUM THIN....even...BURD.....thatz all that countz.....troo lee...N ya look gorgeouz in purplez ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  10. We learned that if we interrupt Lady's sleep she is a bit of a bear. Glad you are eating well.

  11. We are glad you're eating well, Nellie. We are sorry about all those litter box trips, but glad that your Mommy at least tries to pet you when you come back on the bed. Hugs!

  12. We're glad you're eating well, Nellie. Claire understands your mom, but we agree with you. Purrs

  13. That is a beautiful photo of you and I love the quote too. I am glad you are eating, please keep eating lots. What if your Mommy put a puppy pad in your litter box instead of litter- would you still pee in it? XO

  14. Glad for some good news from you, Sweet Nellie ! Purrs to your Mama too.

  15. Oh my Nellie eat and drink and spare your mommy once in a while so she can sleep so she can get your Fancy Feast Tuscany any time you want it. Thank you for eating darling girl! And you quote for us was perfect. I agree with it. XXXOOO

  16. That's a great quote again, Nellie and you are a wonderful girl. Granny pets me too in the middle of the night, only when she is very tired, she falls asleep immediately. Now, keep eating to feel good, okay ;) Double Pawkiss for a Healthy Weekend :) <3

  17. Mew mew mew...Queen Penelope oh yes mee has heard LadyMum *hiss* at 3 A Em an shee berry grouchy! Mee sorta tracks thee litter inn to thee bed all so. Mee just doess not wake her uppy anymore tho'.
    Shee been sick fur 3 weekss so mee on "Purr-amedic duty all most 24/7!
    An you just eat all thee FF Tuscany you wantss!!After all, yur a Queen!!
    ***nose kissesss*** Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  18. Sweet Nellie, don't worry about your momma hissing, she purrobably doesn't even know she does it when she is sound asleep! Just keep on eating good and keeping your momma happy and staying healthy.

  19. We are glad to know you have been eating, that is a good thing. Litter in the bed would make our petcretary get all hissy too,MOL!!!
    Purple looks good on you♥


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