Monday 9 May 2016

Wave for Forrest Day!

Today is a bitter sweet day! First the is Wave for Forrest Day!

Wes LOVES Forrest and his family. His Mommy and Daddy gived him the bestest send off, totally spoiling him and helping him with his special wish list of things he’d always wanted to do! What a way to goes..Mes has started on my list!

Sammy at One Spoiled Cat made the badge and today (May 10th is Sammy's Blogoversary!!!


Sammy says, 
"I’m also celebrating my FIFTH BLOGAVERSARY tomorrow but since it’s
 really Forrest’s “day”, instead of a party for my blogaversary I’ll have a 
commentathon – for every comment we get on tomorrow’s post, 
my Mom will donate $1.00 to our local shelter 
(where I was adopted from!!)."

Mes thinks yous should heads on over there and wish Sammy and his Mommy CONCATUALTIONS!!!!
And yous knows what!!! Sammy is going to has his Where in the World is This? Post too!!!!
Its going to bes a busy day at his blog!!!

Now heres a glamour shot for yous!!

Getting rested up for the weekend



  1. Oh, Nellie, you are always glam, no matter what.

  2. Wonderful portrait, and lovely tribute to Forrest ! Purrs

  3. Nellie you did the best wave ever,kisses,xx Speedy

  4. nellie...thiz wave rocks de houz !!! total lee...we NOE forrrest & hiz mum iz veree happee ta see thiz....ya did a grate tribute post !! ♥♥♥

  5. Queen Nellie we are so happy to see you :) We were so worried with all of the fires! Beautiful post today! You are looking quite gorgeous our beautiful friend!
    Marty and the Gang

  6. This was paws down, the best wave for dear Forrest!. We have a surprise for you at our blog on Wednesday.

  7. Nellie, that is one terrific wave. We know Forrest saw that and is waving back. That card for Sammy is so sweet. We know he loved having you visit him for his blogoversary. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. I love your wave Nellie!! And your photo with Sammy is great too. XO

  9. WOW Nellie - what a wave! I'm sure Forrest can see that and smile. I know I sure am! Thank you so much for telling everyone about my commentathon in Forrest's name too for my blogaversary - we raised a lot of money.....Your Glamour shot is lovely - all photos of you are!

    Hugs, Sammy

  10. Whaat a pawsome wave, Nellie! Love your glamor shot. You ougtha be in the movies dahrling!

  11. Nellie sweetheart..we lost your post and just found it..i am so humbled that you did such a bestest ever wave..Forrest would be so proud of your style...we thankyou and cannot tell you how much your loves and support means to us you sweetie and thankyou...Loves Fozziemum xxx


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