Wednesday 6 July 2016

Give A Way instead of a Campaign Tour Today

Since Mommy has been unemployed, she has been doing lots and lots of art. Paintings, Pin Cushions, Beading...It never ends.

Mommy says it is therapeutic...
It means wes has a plethora of things. Not quite enough for a farm market or a Etsy Shop, but its getting there. Lately she has done some teeny cat stuffies and that gived mes a idea!!!

Yep! Mes has decreed that Mommy will makes a mini (2-3 inches high) stuffie (if yous want it can bes a pin).

Now for the rules:
  1. Yous must lives on the planet Earth! (Martians, Jovians, Saturnians, etc. is ineligible) 
  2. You don't have to bes alive....Rainbow pets is allowed.
  3. Yous must choose only one of yous (if there is more than one animal in your household). 
  4. Yous can bes ANY kind of animal! (except snakes...mes does not like snakes)
  5. Yous must enter on this post only. If yous enters on Facebook or on another post, your entry will not count.
  6. Yous must tells mes why yous should bes immortalized.
  7. Mes will randomly (using Randomizer) choose 4 finalists next Wordless Wednesday (July 13, 2016) and then publish the four randomizer choosed. 
  8. The 4 winners will be published on July 14th and mes will then asks everybody to votes for their favorite.
  9. On July  20th  mes will tally the votes and the winner of the stuffie will bes announced!
  10. Here is the button!



  1. I want to enter! My human's birthday is July 21, so this would be the perfect gift for her!

  2. This is so cool, Nellie and Mom! We would love a stuffie of our Angel Moosey. He should be immortalized, because he was such an amazing, sweet and loving (and smart and handsome) cat, and we miss him dearly.

    Hugs to you both!

  3. We would like to win a mini stuffy of Fiona for our mommy. Since she is only six and has Stage 4 CKD, we are afraid she won't be with us for a long, long time. We know how much our mommy loves her and so would like her to have a memento of her. Thank you, Kitties Blue

  4. We'd like to win a mini stuffy of our angel sisfur Whitley. It's been 2 months since she went to da Bridge and we all still miss her and would like to have a lil stuffie Whitley around.

  5. We think the petcretary needs a mini stuffie of dog-guy...since he is getting on in years we want to make sure we have lots and lots of things for her to remember him with...though we sure hope that won't be anytime soon, mind you...Since there are two of us and one of him we won't argue about which kitty here needs a stuffie, MOL

    Thanks fur this fun contest! MIAOW!! Oh, and some woofs from dog-guy!

  6. the mama would love to do something therapeutic that way too... sadly she has untalented paws... but it's great to see what artpieces your mama can make :o)

  7. Oh wow that is an amazing giveaway Nellie,you and you mummy are the coolest friends,xx Speedy

  8. Ok I would like to enter and have my predecessor immortalized as a Stuffie.Angel Thumper Was daddy's first proper bunny and Daddy misses him very much.Daddy's birthday is coming up soon so it would make the best present ever,Love you Nellie and Mummy Barbs,xx Speedy

  9. I'm loving this and I'm seeing a theme develop. People want to remember their angels! Our obvious choice is Merlin who would be the unstuffiest stuffie.

  10. Oh Nellie Bellie thanks for sending your mommy to tell me about this! I think she-who-must-be-ignored would like me immortalised even though I am immortal anyway!!!!

    I'm so sorry we've been out of the loop lately, but really want to get back in soon! Smoochies ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  11. Oh Nellie.....what a WONDERFUL giveaway. I'm glad your Mommy is going to share her wonderful talent in this fun way. Why do I deserve to be immortalized? Gosh - I think maybe mostly because I will MISS my life here with my Mom and Dad and I know they will miss me when I go....a mini-me, made by the Mom of my sweetest and dearest friend EVER, would make my Mom happy. I want her to always be happy.

    Love and Hugs, Sammy

  12. Nellie, what a good and generous idea. I would love a stuffie of our sweet Tommie who left for the Bridge last year. We think of him everyday. He might be a challenge for your Mommie because he was a polydactyl cat with the Biggest Feets!

  13. Oh this is exciting! I would love a mini of Angel Pip! We do miss him so much and it would be so wonderful to have a little stuffy.

    We do agree that making art is therapeutic. Sending big hugs to your mommy.

  14. OH! How mommy would LOVE a stuffy of Admiral but her colors are hard to make and there are so many patches of them. So mommy said ME. Because I am the most loving kitty she has ever in her life lived with. Admiral was totally loving to mommy and made mom so happy with her loves. But she loved mommy exclusively except favorite brother. Me, I love everybody! But most of all, my love to mommy just glows like the sun she said. It is demonstrable every moment of every day. Besides, I'd love to see my mustache immortalized! I hopes I wins. But whoever does win will be honored. And we will all thank you Nellie for having the giveaway. Loves to your mom and to you always darling Nellie Bellie.

  15. Each of us thinks we should be immortalized because we're so cute. So if we win, we will let your mom choose which one of us gets to be the stuffie. It's very nice of your mom to do this, Nellie. The mom knows how therapeutic this can be. :)

  16. Hi, Nellie, thank you for the very kind invitation to this fab contest. Unfortunately, I'm a petless orphan, although I have some kitty and doggie friends in the neighbourhood (both strays and pets living at a house). But I have an idea. If you agree, I'd like to compete for one of my blogger friends. She has a very ill little kitten, and I think she would be happy if she had a mini-him for herself. They will probably have only a short time together. Here you can follow back their story:

  17. Thank you Nellie. I would love a stuffie of my girl Velcro. She's not feeling well right now and seeing a little mini Velcro may make her feel better,

  18. What a wonderful giveaway ! Your mom is very talented ! Purrs

  19. Oh my mouses! I would LOVE to enter!!! Peep #1 has been lookin' for a plushy that looks like me ('cause Savvy's mum found one of Nissy way back when) but so far, NOTHIN'. Not a marmalade plushy or stuffy in sight. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? It's true, all the ones she has found so far have way too much white on 'em. I have only a teeny-tiny locket of white below my neck, you see. purrs


  20. Hmmm... I'm not sure if I did this correctly. I pressed the button. That what I was supposed to do? Anyway, your mum is SUPER talented, for sure. She can 'create' stuff. My peep has to follow patterns. MOUSES!


  21. This is such a nice thing to do! But we want to know why hasn't your Mama contacted ours?! We have been waiting until your Mama wasn't so busy at work but now you are telling us. . . no work!! We would love to see her and to have her visit us! Tell your Mama to email our Mama.
    The reason we would want Angel Isadora immortalized is # one, because we love her and # two for Wilhelmina to have as her special and sacred toy ( only cuddling would be permitted :) )

    the critters in the cottage xo

  22. Thank you for letting me know about this wonderful contest Nellie. We would like to put Kali's name forward. She was doing good on the Meticam but today is a bad day even though she got her meds yesterday. Her tummy is upset and she was very restless all night. We thought a pincushion in her image would be awesome and cheer her right up.


    The Canadian Cats

  23. nellie....even tho thiz iz knot a cam pane post.....we gotta...GOTTA...nominatez smoke & joe; N we noe ewe said onlee one, sew we wood leeve it two marg two pick which one ..... if we win ♥♥

    pea ezz....we hope yur mom getz enuff goodz TWO open an etsy shop, theeze bee kitteh king total lee rocks !

    we iz out til monday; sew heerz two a blueline tilefish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  24. Oh Nellie this is so sweet of you and your mommy. We's been thinkin' 'bout ya'll a lot lately. Ifin your mommy need to talk 'bout anythin' tell her to email us. Anyways, we's purrayin' fur ya'll.

    Now fur da giveaway. We would actually choose sis Lexi to be immortalized. She was so amazin' and we miss her so much. Me thinks it would really lift mommy's spirits. So, dat's it. Ifin we win, we would like it to be sis Lexi.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  25. I LOVE THESE!!! I should be a "stuffie"

    1) because I am fat and look like I am stuffed
    2) Because Mom is just stuffed
    3) because my 9TH GOTCHA DAY is JULY 28TH!!!!!
    4) because I am cute...hehehe

    Love, Cody

  26. I would pick me because I AM the cat in the hat!

  27. I would like to pick Angel LadyBird who left us this past Christmas. Mom is still grieving her passing and she might feel better if she would have a little Stuffie of LadyBird to hold.

  28. Beebs says that he wants to enter, because he is so very handsome and has the most stunning eyes (and the rest of him too!).

    The Chans

  29. Me ! Me ! Me !
    Immortalized is PAWSOME !
    Salute to your mom talent ❤
    Again.... Please Pretty Please
    *** Roll my tummy up *** Dying to have it =^x^=

  30. That is so nice of you and your Mommy to have a contest. Choosing a kitty is the tough part. Being that Phoebe is the star of our blog, I will choose her. XO

  31. OMC! I would love to win one for TW and her birthday is ON the 13th! It would be of stunning ME of course even though TW would prolly want dead Nicky. I am so sorry your Mom is unemployed and wish we could help.

  32. Thank you for telling me about this wonderful giveaway, Nellie. I am very sorry your Mommy is unemployed and hope she can soon get another job where she can use her great talents.
    If I win I would like a mini stuffie of Eric. My mum and dad miss him so much. It is my dad's birthday near the end of the month and I know he would love it.

  33. What a fabulous giveaway. Your Mom is sooo talented! If we won we would love a stuffie of our Angel Tamir. He was a special guy and we miss him a lot.

    The Florida Furkids

  34. Hi Nellie, well as you can imagine we had a hard time choosing who should be the subject of the mini stuffie if we should win, but then we all thought about how much we all miss Artie Mouse, and decided that she should have the honor. So we nominate Artemisia the Tsarina of Cute aka Arty Mouse.

  35. What a wonderful giveaway! I would choose to immortalize Truffles, of course. She was an angel on earth who was given such a short life...I would love to have a Truffles stuffie with me always.

  36. If'n my Dad P had not noticed me, I might still be at my former shelter. And Mom L brought me home and sang to me and helped me feel safe. Mom L and Dad P would luvluvluv having me immortalized in Ms Barb's creation at your direction of course, Nellie.

  37. We would love a stuffie of our Dash Kitten. Mum misses cuddling him - he was awesome and an inspiration!

    The Dash Kitten Crew

  38. We're just going to say "great contest"! I, Dougie Dog, might suggest me/myself/and/I ... however, I would very quickly de-stuff any stuffie, so I am simply commenting without any intent to enter your contest! I am no good at stuffing (as you obviously are) but my de-stuffing talents are well reputed. Good luck to all participants.

  39. It is so dear to read the love in these comments. It's why Mom and I are in the CB. The love the pawrents have for the fur family.

  40. I would love a mini-stuffie of my Popoki. She had a hard life before she came here, and she's been such a blessing to me. I'd love the opportunity to carry her mini-me to places she can't go... Like BlogPaws!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie


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