Tuesday 30 August 2016

Wowwie on Wednsday!

Mes is the HAPPIEST girl cat in the WHOLE WORLD!

Mammy dearest, can yous opens this present for me! It smells like that gorgeous man cat Austin!!!


Toys and Treats!!!!

AND Tasty!!!
Oh look! There is a wonderful blankie and a picture of Austin!!!! 
AND I there is a bracelet for yous Mommy!

Gosh! Mes really LOVES Austin! 
Hes the bestest Man Cat EVER!!! Mes feels so special!

Good Night Austin! 
This is a great picture!
Now mes can kiss yous every morning when mes wakes up from sleeping on my heavenly new blanket that smells JUST like yous right here with mes!!!
Mes wants to thanks your staff too dearest! Mommy is over the moon with her new bracelet. Your staff has great taste!
Your Nellie Bellie


  1. What awesome gifts - Austin is such a great guy!

  2. Wowie is right! That is a great surprise! And a fine set of gifts. That looks like a really soft and cozy blankie to rest on, Nellie!
    Your Mommy will love wearing that bracelet, too we are sure of that!

  3. Austin is a great ManCat!!! He is so generous to you Miss Nellie. You are one blessed LadyCat!!!!

  4. Oh you look lovely, and what sumptuous gifts from Austin! They suit your fur colour to perfection Nellie. Enjoy!

  5. Austin is such a gentleman....! What a great package of fun he and his Mum sent to you and your Mom. Nellie you look so gorgeous on that new blankie from him - I'm sure he picked it out knowing you would. He's a GOOD guy.......

    Hugs, Sammy

  6. How nice of Austin to send such an amazing package. You look so pleased in these pictures!

  7. You ARE very special,Nellie, and Austin clearly knows it!

    The Chans

  8. What a thoughtful ManCat Austin is!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. You are right Nellie, Austin is The Bestest! Such lovely presents for you and your Mommy from him and his Affiliate Typist.

  10. Nellie, that was so sweet. We love Austin too xoxox

  11. A blankie, treats, and a picture of her man ... the ways to a girl's heart :)

  12. Oh Nellie Bellie! I am so very glad you like my pressies to you my furry special Ladycat!! I put my special smells all over the blankie for you AND me and The Staff thought the bracelet was just purrfect for your mommy!! Smoochies to you always!! ❤️x❤️x❤️x❤️

    PeeEss The painting is in the process of being framed :-) xx

  13. That was so sweet of Austin pretty Nellie!

  14. Those are wonderful presents for you, Nellie ! That's so sweet from Austin ! Purrs

  15. That was so sweet and thoughtful.

  16. Oh Nellie, those are such great pictures of you with those great presents from Austin. That was so nice of him to do that for you. What a great blanket. You are so lucky Nellie to have such a good friend in Austin.

  17. Hi there, pretty Nellie. We sure love these pictures of you.

    That is so, so sweet of Austin. What a nice mancat!

  18. nellie....how total lee awesum oh austin ta sendz ewe N mom theeze giftz !!! make sure ya savez sum treetz for de cam pane trail; yur gonna knead all de energeez ya haz !! ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  19. Awww....that was so sweet of Austin. You are loved by all Nellie.XO

  20. Be there in two shakes of a whisker! We encountered a bit of turbulence but everybody is okay. Stand by for landin'. MOUSES!


  21. NELLIE! I am thrilled for you and your mommy. Truly I am. I love your pressies and that blankie is PERFECT for you. Oh efurrybuddy loves our Nellie. XXXOOO

  22. You darling sweetest girl EVER!

  23. That was so nice of Austin to send you those great gifts. Enjoy!

  24. Nellie, what a super special and lucky lady you are. Austin is a terrific man cat. Those are lovely gifts and a most wonderful photo of his handsomeness. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. Now is that dude Austin your boyfriend? It's hard these days to figure out who goes wth who - know what I mean?

  26. Austin is the best. You look very sweet, Nellie!


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