Saturday 18 June 2016

Selfie Sunday

Mes was having my easy. 
And Mommy tooked my picture.
mes liked it so mes using it for Selfie Sunday!

Mes hopes yous having better weather than wes been having! It has been cold and wet here and mes has been enjoying my bed (even though it does not has a heater anymore).

Come ON SUN!!!!



  1. Nice selfie, Nellie! Our weather is the opposite of yours - sunny, but way, way too hot! Plus I'm going to BlogPaws in Phoenix, where it is going to be even hotter!

  2. Enjoy your "Easy" Nellie.....we have sun and warm and I'll package some up and send it to you OK? I hope you and your Mommy have a lovely Sunday.....rain or shine!

    Love, Sammy

  3. Wonderful selfie, Nellie ! We hope you finally get some sun ! Purrs

  4. You do look lovely and so comfy.

  5. That's a very sweet photo pretty Nellie!

  6. That is a great selfie, you are so beautiful Nellie. XO

  7. Enjoy a lazy Sunday sleeping. You's beautiful.

  8. You look beauteous as always, Nellie. It's gonna be way too hot next week but it will be summer.

  9. That is a lovely easy selfie, Nellie. It has rained all day here too, but it is not cold at around 60F.

  10. Send that cold and wet our way please!! It is HOT here!!! Love the selfie! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  11. What a beautiful selfie!!

  12. Great looking selfie, Nellie, you look so comfy! We cu;d use some of your wet and cool here...send it right up here if you wish, we will gladly accept it:)

  13. We like your selfie, Nellie. We've been having some hot weather here. We wish we could send you some sunshine.

  14. I can send you some sun, Nellie. I can send you some sun, for sure! Purrs, Seville.

  15. Well you look just bootyful and regal Nellie. Hope your weather gets better soon.

    Luv ya'


  16. That's s beautiful picture of your beautiful self, Nellie! We hope you get some sunshines soon!

    Love to you and Mommy!

  17. Nellie, darling, this is a most meowvolous photo of you. We hope you get some sun and warmth very soon. Stop by for Calista Jo's birthday party if you have time. We've got lots of great noms. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  18. You do look especially beautiful in this selfie Nellie! And it was so cold today our Mama wore an Autumn sweater! Ack! We love your sun and it is suppose to roll in tomorrow, fingers and paws crossed :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  19. Hi Nellie, I'm planning to trade some of my rain for some sun, do you wants to come in on the deal? Lovely selfie this week. purrs ERin

  20. You look beautiful, Nellie. We only have rain here too, but at least you bring out the sun in me :) Pawkisses :) <3


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